Thursday, April 22, 2010

So why don't you slide.

I'm going to start this new thing, where everyday I learn all the words to a song. Just one song, but one song a day. If anyone knows me, they know I'm a HUGE lyrics/quoting kind of person. I've always given myself credit for being so knowledged(fairly certain this is not a dictionary word) about my music and everything, but how awesome is this? Everyday I'll add even more to my love for music.

So, what's today's song? "Slide" by Goo Goo Dolls.

I've always loved this song. It's a classic, late 90's, early 00's radio song, so I've always been familiar with it. But do you ever notice that only know half the words to maybe every song you know? And even at that, you only know the vowel sounds, just the chorus, or hope that you catch what the actual words are because you never know what they're saying? And end up saying substituting "Your hair glows" for "Nowhere blows?" Well, that's the the purpose of this whole thing is. To eliminate this half-knowledge of music.

"Could you whisper in my ear, the things you wanna feel?"

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